British spelling prevails here. Even the office computers auto correct to the British spelling. It has plagued me since my mission to England and I thought I had overcome most of my U.S. spelling errors. Now I am back to including lots of "U's" in the words; colour, neighbour, Saviour and favour. It is looking quite natural again to me as I look at it. Tyre is just one more British spelling along with getting them "mended" that is slipping into our vocabulary.
I count at least 25 on the wheelbarrow in front and 16 on the one across the road.
I saw him coming in my rearview mirror and hoped he wouldn't loose his balance as he wove between cars getting to the other side of a divided road. I didn't want tyres crushing the truck or windscreen and me having to pay for the damage. He finally got in the right hand turn lane where I could get a photo.
I am always impressed with the physical shape the street merchants are in.
Everything has value and the Zambian economy moves on.