This is a quote from "Hillel the Elder" from the first century. (I thought I was so original!)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

"Safety For The Soul"

The little safe in my office has been getting sort of crowded.
Not with money, the working fund hasn't changed too much.  It is the increase in missionaries that fills it with double the passports and more Zambian Work Permits.
It was time to get something a little less portable so we could all rest a little easier.

The Zone Leaders were recruited along with the new safe delivery folks.

Pres. Erickson kept telling them it was like a coffin and I helped a lot by reminding them of Pres. Uchtdorf's talk to "lift where you stand".

Nobody stood still and that coffin had a 750 lb. body in it.
It was a struggle, but sort of humorous to see so many "leaders" exercising leadership.
We all need first to learn to be followers. 

This lady was the happy recipient of all that effort.
Added security and we all feel better about our passports.  After all, someday we will get to use them again.

Meanwhile, back in my office that most precious carton will be able to breathe a little easier.

If you refer back to 22 June 2013 on this blog, you will see this was my first official effort of being the financial secretary.  Also if you know your hymns the "safety for the soul" (sole passport) comes from 
"Choose the Right." (Safe).  (Hymn # 239)